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Press Release - AIMS - 3/29/16


                               MEDICINE (IIRM)
The world running organisation the Association of International Marathons 
and Distance Races (AIMS) is delighted to announce a partnership with the 
International Institute for Race Medicine (IIRM). This partnership will see 
the IIRM become the official medical arm of AIMS and two IIRM Board Members 
taking up positions as 'medical advisors' to AIMS.
Founded in October 2003 as the American Road Racing Medical Society 
(ARRMS), IIRM was developed to help create a streamlined medical response 
plan for race directors and medical volunteers to protect runners on their 
courses.  IIRM offer educational resources to race directors and sports 
medicine physicians including best responses for common road racing 
injuries and advice on how to train medical volunteers for race day.
This relationship will offer great benefit to AIMS members who will be able 
to use IIRM as a conduit to access information, research and good practice 
from many of the world's leading and most highly qualified medical 
professionals specialising in sport and in particular distance running.
Like AIMS, IIRM is a member based organisation and AIMS encourages its 
member races to join so IIRM can expand its work and presence in the 111 
countries and territories where AIMS currently has members.
Paco Borao, AIMS President comments: "I am delighted to confirm this 
partnership between AIMS and IIRM. I feel both organisations will feel the 
benefits of this partnership and I hope many AIMS members will join IIRM 
and make use of their educational resources to benefit their races and 
provide the best services to runners."
Chris Troyanos, ATC Executive Director of IIRM comments: "We are very 
pleased to announce this partnership with AIMS. We are excited about the 
possibilities and look forward to providing AIMS and their member races 
with the expertise and knowledge that we have built over the past 12 years.
It has been a longstanding goal of the IIRM to have a true international 
reach, the partnership with AIMS will be a positive step towards that 
About AIMS
AIMS is a member based organisation and since being established in 1982 has 
grown to a membership of more than 410 of the world's leading distance 
races, from over 110 countries and territories. AIMS Members come from 
every continent on the planet and include the Athens Marathon, The 
Authentic formed on the legend of Pheidippides, the Greek soldier-runner 
who ran from the town of Marathon to Athens in 490 BC to announce the 
Persians had been defeated in the ‘Battle of Marathon'. Other AIMS members 
include many of the world's greatest distance races in history such as the 
Berlin, Boston, Chicago, New York & Tokyo Marathons. The three key 
objectives of AIMS are:

1. To foster and promote distance running throughout the world 
2. To work with the International Association of Athletic Federations
   (IAAF) on all matters relating to international road races. 
3. To exchange information, knowledge and expertise among members of the

For further information on AIMS please visit: 

About IIRM
The International Institute for Race Medicine was originally titled the 
American Road Racing Medical Society. ARRMS was formed in October 2003 as a 
division of the American Running Association (ARA), and was designed to 
serve the road racing community in North America as an educational resource 
and medical leader for road races from the 5K distance up through the 
The vision and mission of the IIRM was established by the forethought and 
vision of Bill Roberts, M.D., the Twin Cities Marathon Medical Director, 
Life Member of the American Medical Athletic Association (AMAA), and the 
immediate-Past President of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). 
Over the first few years of their existence, the group established officers 
and a broader mission to enhance how road racing medical professionals 
learn and interact. Dr Roberts envisioned that the IIRM would serve all 
medical professionals who work and/or volunteer at any size road race. Its 
mission would serve to educate the running industry, race organizers and 
the public about medical issues that impact the sport of running and road 
Recently, the group has developed a partnership with the Matthew Good 
Foundation and the Good Family from the United Kingdom.  Through their 
support and guidance, the organisation was renamed The International 
Institute for Race Medicine (IIRM) in 2012.  Their goal is to work with and 
collaborate with a number of organizations and events dealing with 
endurance athletes.
For further information on IIRM please visit:

To apply for AIMS membership today click here. To find out more about AIMS 
and the benefits of being part of our organisation, please visit our 



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