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Press Release - Islay Single Malt Marathon - 4/9/14

          Isle of Islay to Host Lords of the Isles Challenge

Isle of Islay, Scotland - The first ever combined golf and marathon 
competition takes place this weekend on Scotland's romantic island, Islay. 
The Lords of the Isles Challenge offers runners one of the world's most 
scenic marathons, the Single Malt Marathon, Islay's inaugural 26.2 mile 
race, which takes place on Sunday, April 13. The well regarded Machrie 
links, famous for its 15 blind shots over towering sand dunes, will host 
the Queen of the Hebrides golf tournament on April 11-12.  Runners may 
compete only in the marathon but golfers, in order to qualify for the 
challenge, must compete in both the marathon and the golf. This puts 
pressure on the average golfer whose idea of running is from the couch to 
the fridge.

The marathon promises to be one of the most scenic in the world. Dr. Bob 
Kroeger, race director of the Islay marathon, having run 64 marathons from 
the forests of Alaska to the shores of California and Florida, says "I've 
run Loch Ness in Scotland and the mighty Pikes Peak in Colorado and I must 
confirm that Islay's race touches my heart. We'll run through whitewashed 
seaside villages, along rugged rock-strewn beaches and a shimmering sea 
loch, and finish with a ramble through the moors. It offers a good 
challenge to all runners."

The marathon benefits the children of the island. The students of Islay 
High School will receive funds from the race for a mission trip they'll be 
taking to Peru in 2015. 

Currently runners from six countries have registered, making this a true 
international event. Registration is available on the website:

Run with us in April in Scotland!
and ...



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