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Press Release - Tokyo Olympics 2020 - 3/24/20


  World Athletics Statement on Postponement of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

World Athletics welcomes the decision of the IOC and the Japanese 
Government to postpone the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games to 2021. It is what 
athletes want and we believe this decision will give all athletes, 
technical officials and volunteers some respite and certainty in these 
unprecedented and uncertain times.

Athletics will continue to do whatever we can to preserve and create an 
outdoor season of one-day meetings in 2020, starting and ending later than 
usual, so athletes, when they are able and it is safe to, will have access 
to competitions in every region. This will help them benchmark their 
performances and adjust their training accordingly for an Olympic Games in 
2021. In light of this announcement, we will also expedite our current 
review of the Olympic qualification system, in cooperation with the IOC, 
and release any changes to the process as soon as possible so athletes know 
where they stand.

World Athletics stands ready to work with the IOC and all sport on an 
alternative date for the Olympic Games in 2021 and has already been in 
discussion with the Organising Committee of the World Athletics 
Championships Oregon 21 regarding the possibility of moving the dates of 
this highly popular worldwide event. They have reassured us that they will 
work with all of their partners and stakeholders to ensure that Oregon is 
able to host the World Athletics Championships on alternative dates, 
including dates in 2022.



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