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Press Release - The Boston Marathon - 9/8/09

                WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 at 9:00 a.m. EDT

BOSTON - Online entry for the 114th Boston Marathon® on Monday, April 19, 
2010 (Patriots' Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) begins at 9:00 
a.m. ET on Wednesday, September 9.

Those interested in participating are encouraged to register early. The 
2009 Boston Marathon reached its field size limit in late January.

The race follows the historic Hopkinton-to-Boston route for its 26 miles, 
385 yards (42.195 Kilometers) and will again utilize a two-wave start:
Wave One Start - 10:00 a.m. ET.; Wave Two Start - 10:30 a.m. ET.
The 2010 Boston Marathon will mark the 25th consecutive year of the 
landmark sponsorship of John Hancock Financial with the Boston Athletic 
Association for the Boston Marathon.

The field size will be limited to 25,000 athletes.  The 113th Boston 
Marathon on April 20, 2009 had 26,388 entrants; 23,216 official starters; 
and 22,892 official finishers.

Entry fee:
USA residents - $130 USD if submitted and received by February 1, 2010 
($180 USD if submitted and accepted after February 1, 2010).

International residents - $175 USD if submitted and received by February 1, 
2010 ($225 USD if submitted and accepted after February 1, 2010).
The entry fee is not refundable, and entries are not transferable.

The B.A.A.'s qualifying times for next year's Boston Marathon remain 
unchanged and can be found at:
A qualifying time run at a race on or after September 27, 2008 will be 
accepted for the 2010 Boston Marathon (even if it was also used as a 
qualifier for the 2009 race). Athletes must be 18 years or older on April 
19, 2010.
In addition, the commencement of online registration for the next year's 
Boston Marathon also signals the addition of new charity partners added to 
the B.A.A.'s Official Charity Program for the Boston Marathon.  Those 
recently added are:
America SCORES - New England
Massachusetts Amateur Sports Foundation's Bay State Games
Boston Debate League
Community Rowing's G-ROW Boston
Museum of Science's Traveling Programs
Wediko Children's Services

Twenty four organizations are among the charities in the B.A.A.'s program.  
It is anticipated that these charities, collectively, will surpass the $100 
million mark in total funds raised since the B.A.A.'s Official Charity 
Program launched in 1989.  For details on the six new charities and the 18 
charities continuing for the 2010 Boston Marathon, go to: 



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