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Press Release - Boston Marathon - 5/2/13


      B.A.A. Contributes $250,000 Donation to The One Fund Boston, Inc.

              Fund Supports Victims and Families Affected by 
                   the Tragic Events of April 15, 2013.

BOSTON - The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.), organizer of the Boston 
Marathon® since its inception in 1897, today announced a $250,000 
donation to The One Fund Boston, Inc., which was organized to benefit those 
most affected by the tragic events that occurred in Boston on April 15, 

"We express our deepest gratitude to the B.A.A.'s 1300 medical personnel, 
7200 volunteers, and organizing committee, along with the City of Boston's 
first responders, who reacted quickly and courageously to save lives," said 
Joann Flaminio, B.A.A. President. "Their tireless efforts and their 
dedication remains with us as we begin to move forward.  Our thoughts 
continue to be with the victims, all of those injured, and their families." 

"In the days since April 15, Boston has experienced a worldwide outpouring 
of support and solidarity," said Thomas Grilk, B.A.A. Executive Director. 
"We have witnessed incredible bravery, strength, and resilience from the 
people of this city. The B.A.A. continues to extend its deepest sympathies 
to all of those who were affected by this tragedy. As we continue to 
address matters relating to the 2013 Boston Marathon, we also will begin to 
turn our attention to the 2014 race."

Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino 
announced the formation of The One Fund Boston, Inc. as the main charitable 
effort for donations to benefit victims and their families. Individuals and 
corporations from around the world, including Boston Marathon sponsors, 
have combined to donate more than $28 million to The One Fund. For more 
information on The One Fund, please visit

About the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.)

Established in 1887, the Boston Athletic Association is a non-profit 
organization with a mission of managing athletic events and promoting a 
healthy lifestyle through sports, especially running. The B.A.A.'s Boston 
Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon, and the organization 
manages other local events and supports comprehensive charity, youth, and 
year round running programs. Since 1986, the principal sponsor of the 
Boston Marathon has been John Hancock Financial. The Boston Marathon is 
part of the World Marathon Majors, along with the international marathons 
in Tokyo, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York City. Nearly 50,000 runners 
will participate in B.A.A. events in 2013. The 118th Boston Marathon will 
be held on Monday, April 21, 2014. 

For more information on the B.A.A., please visit



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