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Press Release - London Marathon - 8/24/15


        Liliya Shobukhova and the World Anti-Doping Agency

LONDON, August 24, 2015 -- The London Marathon notes the decision taken by 
the World Anti-Doping Agency which takes into account Shobukhova's 
contention that she has given exceptional assistance to those seeking to 
fight doping in athletics.

The London Marathon's zero tolerance policy towards doping is unaltered. 
Shobukhova is still banned for life from taking part in the London Marathon 
and in any of the five other marathons that make up the Abbott World 
Marathon Majors.

The London Marathon has already announced that it will commence legal 
proceedings against athletes who have failed tests if they do not repay 
money that they have received from the event and has already taken steps to 
do so in the case of Shobukhova.  

We believe there should be no place in our sport for people who have 
cheated, no matter how much assistance they give after they have been 
caught, and that they need to repay all money earned so that clean athletes 
can benefit.  The London Marathon supports IAAF rule 40 which makes a 
banned athlete ineligible to take part in the sport until they have repaid 
all forfeited prize money and believes that this should be strictly 
enforced in all cases.

"We are determined to make marathon running a safe haven from doping," said 
Nick Bitel, Chief Executive of the London Marathon. "This means that cheats 
should not be permitted to keep their ill-gotten gains under any 



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